George Foden

United Kingdom
QSAND Programme Lead and Loughborough Centre for Sustainable Transitions
George is a postgraduate researcher in the Geography & Environment department at Loughborough
University, in addition to being responsible for the QSAND shelter and settlement sustainability
framework. His doctoral research is focused on the role that humanitarian shelter programming
plays in facilitating long-term community resilience. He holds a MA in Conflict, Security, and
Development and a BSc in Psychology with American Studies from the University of Sussex.
Prior to starting his research at Loughborough, George was the Humanitarian Programme Lead at
BRE Trust, where he focused on developing partnerships to support humanitarian shelter and
settlement action in post-disaster contexts. He also provided technical and administrative support to
the development of tools to support humanitarian action, including QSAND and the SMAC lifecycle
carbon calculator for shelter materials.
He is a trustee of The Kanji Project, a charity that supports education and poverty alleviation in rural
Tamil Nadu, India. He has also worked with various community-based peacebuilding organisations in
the United States and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Together, these experiences have fostered an interest in
the ways in which the surrounding built and natural environment influences community
development and social cohesion in contexts of displacement.
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