Muthegheki Rogers
Anasi Farmers
Bachelor's degree holder of Arts in Economics from Makerere University Business School. I also have a certificate in Permaculture design with the Permaculture Institute of Tanzania. I am a farmer, an environmental activist and climate change youth ambassador by Global Conscience. I have implemented community development projects since 2017 and I am passionate about transforming lives of other people. Growing from rural village of Kamuruli in Kasese district, Uganda with lots of food related challenges among different households sparked my zeal to champion the fight against hunger and malnutrition. More so, majority of the world’s poor being farmers yet millions are malnourished coupled with the striking hunger and environmental degradation challenges, my passion to change the narrative on land and food systems starts.
I am the team leader Anasi Farmers Association a not-for-profit organization operating in the Rwenzori region of Uganda towards empowering rural women and youth with skills and knowledge to fight food insecurity, hunger, malnutrition and environmental damage through promotion of agro ecological practices and principles.
I am a self-motivated person who believes in engaging in simple actions that create bigger positive impacts by engaging young people and re-shaping their understanding on different food and environmental related aspects to champion generational transformation towards environmental regeneration and sustainable food systems.
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