Re-imagining Syrian Refugee Camps
Grace Ruddick

Thought Piece
Displacement, Shelter
Re-imagining Syrian Refugee Camps was a Final MA University Project. The Project site is on the outskirts of Alexandreia, a city in Central Macedonia, Greece. The site is owned by the Hellenic army and was left derelict for 12 years until it was opened as a Syrian refugee camp in April 2016. The Project was a proposition for an accommodation strategy for a longer-term refugee crisis, the next step from existing emergency response that is no longer applicable to Syria's situation.
Various urban design theory, in particular that of Christopher Alexander, the UN's existing camp strategy and reading into Syrian architecture and culture informed the proposals. The product was a short version of Alexander's book 'A Pattern Language' relevant to the context the Syrian refugee camps, to be used as a tool kit, alongside an animation of how the toolkit could manifest into a potential design for the site.
Link to animation: